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California Social Service Departments

What is the role of social services departments?

Social Service Department in California

Contrary to popular belief, not everyone in California lives a luxurious popstar life. A lot of people in the large state of California experience poverty. Many of them are in need of help, whether financially or with childcare, nutrition assistance, education access, etc. You may be surprised to find out that 4.8 million California residents live below the poverty line. This is about 12.58% of the state's population. This is why the social service department in California has a great responsibility in ensuring that they do their part in reducing or at least assisting those who need help.

The California Department of Social Services is the official social service department agency of California that provides programs that support those in need. Over 4,000 employees work to oversee and administer services for vulnerable California residents. The mission statement of The California Department of Social Services is " to serve, aid, and protect needy and vulnerable children and adults in ways that strengthen and preserve families, encourage personal responsibility, and foster independence."

Main Social Services Programs Offered by the State

California offers numerous programs for folks in need. Here are just a few of the most effective programs they offer that help aid the livelihood of the less fortunate.

Cash Assistance

Cash assistance in California, also known as CalWORKs, is a type of welfare program that provides cash aid to low-income eligible families. A family that needs housing, food, utilities, and other necessities but cannot afford it due to financial restrictions are the beneficiaries of this program. The amount received by the family depends on varied factors such as the number of members within the family that need help.

Food & Nutrition

The CalFresh Program manages all the responsibility of improving low-income families' nutrition. They do this by increasing their nutritional food-purchasing power. Eligibility depends on several factors including citizenship/immigration status, household income, work requirements, and more. In general, the maximum gross income allowed is 200% of the Federal Poverty Level. People with questions about CalFresh benefits can contact their local county's social services agency.

Child Services

The California Department of Social Services child services division helps individuals find state-licensed childcare facilities. It also provides those who want to become foster parents the means to become one. Children who are not safe with their families are removed from their homes and placed into foster care. For foster parents to provide a healthy and safe environment for their foster children, the CDSS offers statewide training to foster parents through local community colleges and county-sponsored training programs. 16 to 18-year-old foster children have access to career and job development training to develop their skills for independent living. The state also runs the Cal-Learn program, which supports pregnant and parenting teens in finishing high school and forming healthy families.

To find out more about The California Department of Social Services, you can visit their website here. To contact them, you can reach them by phone at 1 800-952-5253.