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Virginia Social Service Departments

What is the role of social services departments?

In every community, the residents’ welfare is paramount. However, the state knows that different situations hinder people from achieving a quality life. This is where the social services department appears on the scene.
The social services department aims to provide people who have economic, social, and physical disadvantages with equal opportunities they need to achieve self-reliance and become active members of society.
In Virginia, the government social service agency is called the Virginia Department of Social Services or VDSS. Their official website can be accessed here.

Mission Statement

The mission statement of the Virginia Department of Social Services (VDSS) is “To design and deliver high-quality human services that help Virginians achieve safety, independence, and overall well-being.”

Main Social Services Programs Offered by the State of Virginia

1. Abuse and neglect

The state of Virginia’s top priority is to protect the lives of its residents from danger and any form of abuse. Call 911 if you or someone you know is in danger.
You may call the following hotlines for specialized services:

  1. Child Protective Services (800) 522-7096
  2. Adult Protective Services (888) 832-3858
  3. Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (800) 838-8238

2. Assistance programs

These programs aim to provide accurate and timely income support and employment assistance to individuals and families in the state. These will help residents to transition from reliance on government assistance to achieving self-sufficiency.
These programs are:

  1. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
  2. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  3. Energy Assistance (EA)
  4. Medical Assistance
  5. Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer (P-EBT)

For more information you may call these hotlines:

  1. SNAP – (804) 726-7361
  2. TANF – (804) 726-7385
  3. Energy Assistance – (804) 726-7386
  4. Medical Assistance – (804) 786-6145

3. Child support programs

The programs falling under child support services are handled by the Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE). It aims to help children to gain family and financial support so they grow and thrive. DCSE offers more than just monetary support, it also offers free family services like responsible parenting, visitation, employment services, and others.
For more information email DCSE here.
Or call the hotline: 1-800-468-8894

4. Community support

The Virginia Department of Social Services wants to ensure that the state provides services and funds several grants, programs, and other initiatives for the community. These programs are:

  1. 211 Hotline – To find free local resources quickly
  2. Common Help – Easy way for residents to track the status of benefits, know about any changes, or check their eligibility for the benefits. First-time users can sign up here.
  3. Food Security – This program aims to assist families and individuals with no stable income who are having a difficult time obtaining food.
  4. Refugee Settlement – Aims to help displaced individuals, families, and groups starting their new lives in Virginia

For assistance and inquiry contact the number below:
Refugee Settlement – (804) 726-7927

5. Foster care and adoption

The Virginia Department of Social Services strives to help ensure the stability of youth under foster care. The agency ensures that foster parents provide a supportive, nurturing, and safe home for a child and its siblings while they are under their care temporarily.
The agency also aims to ensure a safe, smooth adoption process where applicable to ensure the children are taken in by accredited families into loving and permanent homes. For foster care general information, call the hotline (804) 726-7530, and (800) 362-3678 for adoption queries.